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Unstoppable After 40: The Fat Loss Secret No One Is Talking About, The Cancer Risk Hiding In Your Belly, And My Go-to Exercise For Back And Hip Pain Relief

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Unstoppable After 40: The Fat Loss Secret No One Is Talking About, The Cancer Risk Hiding In Your Belly, And My Go-to Exercise For Back And Hip Pain Relief

Read time: 5 minutes

Welcome to Unstoppable After 40, my weekly newsletter where I reveal cutting-edge tips to get fit in your 40s & 50s while growing your business or career.

What’s in store for today:

  • The Fat Loss Secret No One Is Talking About
  • The Cancer Risk Hiding In Your Belly
  • My Go-to Exercise For Back And Hip Pain Relief

Today’s issue is brought to you by Unstoppable After 40 Coaching Program. We help entrepreneurs, executives, and business owners to get fit in their 40s & 50s while growing their businesses and enjoying their lifestyles. (In less than 2 hours per week) .


Last week, I had a battery of exams to measure my risk for heart disease.

The result?

There’s no evidence whatsoever of plaque buildup.

Great news, right?

I thought so.

And it also reminded me of something important.

While I may be in the clear with regard to heart disease (for now), I realized that cancer is my immediate threat.

How do I know?

Because my dad had colon cancer in his early 40s, and when I had my 1st colonoscopy at 41, I had a giant polyp removed from my colon.

Luckily, I also had another colonoscopy, and it was clear.

But the lesson here is that I was so concerned about heart disease because of the statistics that I wasn’t looking at my risk profile for other issues.

This is why getting the necessary exams is key.

You don’t want to stress out about heart disease when it’s not even a risk. It’s important to stay focused on what your specific risks are. And act accordingly.


Have you done all your necessary tests to determine your risk profile?

This is one of the things we do for our clients that I don’t talk about as much.

Yes, losing fat and regular exercise is key for optimal health and preventing chronic diseases from killing you early.

But equally important is getting the necessary medical exams to be cleared of things like colon cancer or early buildup of arterial plaque.

Yes, it’s a pain in the a$$ and takes time to schedule.

It’s an opportunity cost, for sure.

But even worse is the price you pay for inaction.

I put off my colonoscopy for years. And when I finally got it, I had a giant, pre-cancerous polyp removed.

This happened even though I’ve been exercising and eating well for the majority of my life.

Don’t guess.

Get your exams done!



Here is your Unstoppable After 40 Friday Digest:


1. The Fat Loss Secret No One Is Talking About

I often say that the #1 fat loss hack is creating a life that you don’t need to use food and alcohol to escape from.

Too many people think that “discipline” is the key to fat loss.

And there’s truth to this.

But I don’t see a lack of discipline in the executives and entrepreneurs I work with.

I do see a lack of scheduled downtime where they’re doing something they enjoy that doesn’t involve eating or drinking.

Engaging in relaxing activities or hobbies allows the brain to switch gears, releasing stress and reducing the risk of burnout.

And the key reason why people don’t stick with their fat loss plan is stress.

So, schedule something fun in your agenda every week and watch how it’s easier to stick with your health goals.

Resource: The Magic Ratio for Happiness: Rewiring Your Brain for Positivity



2. The Cancer Risk Hiding In Your Belly

Do you have a belly?

A new study published on August 16th, 2024 in the Journal of The National Cancer Institute found that visceral body fat increases your risk for cancer.

Yes, I know. Shocking news, right? Haha

We already know that obesity is a risk factor for several types of cancer.

But what was interesting about this study is that it found people who had higher levels of visceral fat had an increased risk of cancer regardless of how much they weighed.

In other words, if you’re “skinny fat” (thin with high levels of visceral fat), your risk of getting cancer is higher than someone who is obese but has lower levels of visceral fat.

I know. It’s a little confusing.

But the point is that getting rid of your belly fat is crucial—even if you’re generally thin in your arms and legs.



3. My Go-to Exercise For Back And Hip Pain Relief

Do you want an exercise to help you loosen up your hips and lower back?

Then, give the Adductor Rock a try.

Perfect for:

Warm-ups before leg days.

Quick breaks between marathon desk sessions.


Try 10 reps pre-workout or 20 for a full hip mobility reset.

Watch the whole tutorial on Linkedin | Facebook | Twitter


Legendary Life Coaching Client Highlight: David N.


Meet David, a 51-year-old executive from Canada who had a health scare and decided to take back control of his health.

He is like most of my clients; he is successful in his career but has struggled with his weight for almost two decades.

Despite facing a major work event and the heartache of losing a loved one to cancer, he chose to prioritize his health. “Life is happening now,” he said, and he joined my program. Proving that there’s never a perfect time to start—only the present.

In 5 months, David:

  • 20 lbs down with a flexible approach
  • Follows a custom travel fitness routine
  • Enjoys guilt-free vacations
  • Got his confidence back at work
  • Became a role model for his kids

He needed a program that fit his age, work schedule, food preferences, and lifestyle, and not the other way around.

Now, he’s not just maintaining his results; he’s optimizing his health metrics and VO2 Max for lifelong vitality.

If you’re an entrepreneur who wants to be confident in your body and increase energy in a way that fits your busy life, click here for a strategy call.


Question of the Week:

What can I do today to practice five minutes of self-care?

Want to share this issue of Unstoppable After 40 via text, social media, or email? Just copy and paste this link:


Until next week,

Ted Ryce

Celebrity Trainer, Health & Wellness Coach & Longevity Expert


When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help:

1) Watch my Unstoppable After 40 Masterclass, where I teach you the simple 5-step process our successful clients are using to get fit in their 40s & 50s while growing their business & enjoying their lifestyle

>Click Here To Watch Now!

2) If you have questions about my coaching program, click on the button below to check my FAQ page.

> Coaching Program FAQ Page

3) Are you an entrepreneur who wants to get fit in your 40s & 50s without feeling achy or spending hours at the gym?

> Schedule Your Free Strategy Call Now! 



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Ted Ryce is a high-performance coach, celebrity trainer, and a longevity evangelist. A leading fitness professional for over 24 years in the Miami Beach area, who has worked with celebrities like Sir Richard Branson, Rick Martin, Robert Downey, Jr., and hundreads of CEOs of multimillion-dollar companies. In addition to his fitness career, Ryce is the host of the top-rated podcast called Legendary Life, which helps men and women reclaim their health, and create the body and life they deserve.