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Ted Talk 100: 7 Common Mistakes When Trying to Lose Weight with Ted Ryce

You don’t need us to tell you that losing weight and maintaining it is hard, especially with all the conflicting information we read on the Internet. In this new Ted Talk episode, Ted will reveal 7 of the fat loss mistakes he made while trying to get in shape so you can save years of trial and error and increase your chances of success. Listen now!

470: Everything You Need To Know About Cardiovascular Training with Ted Ryce

Cardio exercising is one of the best things you can do for your body and overall health. In this episode, Ted will explain everything about cardio training. The ideal frequency, duration, and intensity for maximum fat loss. So, tune in to learn how to structure your sweat sessions in the most effective way to burn off your belly. Listen Now!

Ted Talk 99: Help! I Can’t Stop Emotional Eating!

It’s a common thing for people to search for comfort in food when they feel down. And while rewarding ourselves with goodies from time to time is a great thing to do, when emotional eating becomes a daily habit it can cause serious problems to our overall health. But how do we stop this emotional eating habit? Find out from this new Ted Talk episode!

469: The Ultimate Secret to Fat Loss with Ted Ryce

Millions of people all over the world are struggling with excess body fat. They try different miraculous diets, they eat super healthy foods, they kill themselves at the gym, but they are still frustrated with their results. Listen to this episode to find out the ultimate secret to fat loss and how you can finally achieve the body you deserve.