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Ted Talk 118: If I Was Starting My Journey in 2022, This Is What I Would Do Instead

When Ted first started out on his health and fitness journey more than 20 years ago, he made many mistakes. It has taken him years of trial and error and constant learning and teaching to get to where he is now. Whether you've been working out hard and eating healthy for years or you're just starting out, you can learn from his mistakes. In this Ted Talk episode, Ted shares the 3 things he wishes he had known when he began his health and fitness journey. Listen to this episode to save years of trial and error and make 2022 the year that you transformed your body, upgraded your health, and lived your best life.

488: The Secret To Staying Healthy And Fit As A Busy Entrepreneur with Dan Roitman

In your quest to be successful in business, it’s easy to lose focus on your personal health. However, if you want to play the long game in business, it’s really in your best interest to make your personal health a priority. In today's episode, we have Dan Roitman who is a successful entrepreneur determined to live life to the fullest. In this episode, he shares his secrets to staying in shape while growing your business or career. Listen Now!

Ted Talk 117: The Magic Ratio For Happiness: The Secret To A Happy And Fulfilled Life with Ted Ryce

How often have you said, "I just want to be happy"? Or how many times did you say to a loved one: "I just want you to be happy." Happiness is the biggest desire we all have. But, is there a magic formula, a magic ratio to happiness and positivity? The answer is "Yes." In this new Ted Talk episode, Ted Ryce will reveal it. Plus, you'll learn what steps you need to take to live a happy and fulfilled life are. Listen now!

487: 3 Nutrition Myths Debunked (And What To Do Instead) with Oliver Anwar

As a busy professional, you may feel that losing weight and staying fit can be very challenging. And if you travel a lot for business or leisure and have an active social life, it can be even more difficult. So, when you try to find the solution, you get confused by all the internet misinformation. In this new episode, Ted Ryce sits down with renowned executive coach Oliver Anwar to discuss the health and fitness challenges that executives and other high performers with an active social calendar face and what to do instead. Listen now!