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Ted Talk 128: The Mindset Shift You Need Before You Can Be Successful

Do your mindset and desires often misalign and confuse you? Do you often find your mentality stopping you from achieving your goals? Don't worry. Getting your way of thinking and goals on the same path isn't difficult. In this episode, Ted shares his number one coaching lesson to help you shift your mindset to become successful. Listen Now!

498: Everything You Need To Know About High Intensity Interval Training HIIT with Ted Ryce

Looking for the most efficient way to get lean and healthy? Wondering if High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) can help you get fitter? Simply following a HIIT protocol doesn't always guarantee results. In this episode, Ted reveals what HIIT is, the best HIIT exercises, and HIIT mistakes you should avoid to get that lean, conditioned, and healthy body in no time. Listen Now!

Ted Talk 127: I Just Started Lifting Weights, Should I Take Creatine?- Ask Ted

Creatine is a supplement that many people wonder about taking when starting strength training. This is the question that Ted Ryce will answer today in this special Listener's Question Episode. Tune in to learn everything you need to know about Creatine, including up-to-date facts on its effects on strength training, fat loss, and overall health and key factors that influence your weight and health. Listen Now!

497: What’s The Best Diet For You with Ted Ryce

Having trouble choosing a diet that is right for you? Stuck between all the "nutrition camps"? Keto, Paleo, Intermittent Fasting, Vegan, Low Carb... the list goes on! It isn't just about picking a good diet, it's also about being able to stick it and losing weight week after week. In this episode, Ted explains key nutrition principles of a good diet, do's and don'ts of counting calories, and how to pick a diet that works for your lifestyle. Listen Now!