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Ask Ted 50: How To Create Abundance In Your Life

Creating Abundance in your Life starts with YOU. YOU are the key to enjoying a life of abundance. What is the secret to this? Listen to this episode and learn 3 tips that will help you start to create abundance in your life right now.

102: Srinivas Rao: The Art of Being Unmistakeable

How to make money doing what you love / Why getting more degrees may not be the answer to success / What you should know before you start a podcast, blog or online business / What "giving value" really means and how to do it right / How to be persistent when the outcome of your actions is unpredictable / How to strike balance between your passion and making it a financial success / Being an "artist" vs being a marketer / How to stay passionate and curious with business / The role fitness plays in entrepreneurship

How this podcast can CHANGE your life

It’s about stopping blaming others and instead taking responsability for your own life. It's about accepting yourself – and who you surrounded yourself with. It's about knowing that you have something to give the world and not stopping until you figure out what that is and then doing it....

Ask Ted 49: How To Stay In Shape On A Budget

In this episode, you willl learn 5 low-cost ways to stay in shape. Listen Now.