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393: Coronavirus: How To Be Your Best While The World Is At Its Worst with Ted Ryce – (Part 2)

How do we find our emotional center during times of chaos? How can we lead right now, and how can we stay positive and productive during a global pandemic? How do we handle the stress, assess opportunities, and plan for later in the year? Listen to the second part of this episode series to find out.

392: Coronavirus: How To Be Your Best While The World Is At Its Worst with Ted Ryce – (Part 1)

How do we find our emotional center during times of chaos? How can we lead right now, and how can we stay positive and productive during a global pandemic? How do we handle the stress, assess opportunities, and plan for later in the year? Listen to the first part of this episode series to find out.

Ted Talk 26: Stop Waiting For The Perfect Moment And Start Now

Many of us wait for the “perfect time” with our health, nutrition, and fitness and life in general. But this all-or-nothing thinking—as in, “If I don’t do this perfectly then it’s not enough and I give up!”—rarely gets us “all.” It usually gets us “nothing.” The problem is that there really is never a right time to do things. In this Ted Talk Episode, Ted reveals how you can change your mindset and finally achieve the goals that you want in 2020. Listen now!

391: 5 Common Food And Nutrition Myths Debunked with Nick Hiebert

Does salt cause high blood pressure? Are there good foods and bad foods? Food can be a topic of serious contention today, and everyone seems to have an opinion on what you should and should not eat. In this episode, our special guest Nick Hiebert, a nutrition researcher, set the record straight on some of the more common food myths. Listen Now!