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Unstoppable After 40: Transform Your Life NOW With This Morning Routine Hack, How To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally With One Simple Supplement, And The Ultimate Exercise Routine For Bulletproof Hips And Knees.

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Unstoppable After 40: Transform Your Life NOW With This Morning Routine Hack, How To Lower Blood Pressure Naturally With One Simple Supplement, And The Ultimate Exercise Routine For Bulletproof Hips And Knees.

Read time: 5 minutes

Welcome to Unstoppable After 40, my weekly newsletter where I reveal cutting-edge tips to get fit in your 40s & 50s while growing your business or career.

What’s in store for today: 

  • Transform your life NOW with this morning routine hack.
  • How to lower blood pressure naturally with one simple supplement.
  • The ultimate exercise routine for bulletproof knees.

Today’s issue is brought to you by Unstoppable After 40 Coaching Program. We help entrepreneurs, executives, and business owners to get fit in their 40s & 50s while growing their businesses and enjoying their lifestyles. (In less than 2 hours per week) .


The most important thing that influences your health (that no one talks about): Where you live.

This beautiful photo was taken last year when I was in Lisbon, Portugal 🇵🇹

If you’ve never, been it’s one of my favorite places to visit in Europe.

And the place I’ll most likely end up living. Why?

Because you have easy access to fresh, healthy food in the supermarkets.

And you walk everywhere or take the metro because it’s safe and convenient.

When I was there, it was easy to stay within my calories.

And I was hitting 10k steps per day just by living my life.

Contrast this to most cities in America.

Fast food is the most convenient food available.

And the cities are designed for cars, not people.

So it isn’t easy to get your steps in unless you live in a city like NYC or neighborhoods like Brickell in Miami.

On top of that, the culture in America is one of huge portions and overeating.

That’s why it’s so easy to get fat in the US.

Far too many Americans feel like they don’t have enough discipline or willpower.

But I’ve found that the challenges of being healthy are far more than other countries I’ve visited.

That’s not to say you can’t do it. Just understand that health in the United States will take more work than elsewhere.

And that’s exactly why my coaching programs are so powerful.

I set you up with the best strategies I’ve developed from over 25 years in the health & fitness industry.

It’s not easy. But it’s 100% possible for you to have the body you want while enjoying your lifestyle.

You just need the right mindset and better strategies.


Here is your Unstoppable After 40 Friday Digest:


1. Transform your life NOW with this morning routine hack.

Big Pharma gets a lot of criticism. And for good reason. But did you know that “Big Supplement” isn’t any better? In fact, sometimes they’re worse.

Need some inspiration?

Then listen to this interview I did with Hal Elrod.

Hal not only survived a car accident that almost killed him. He’s also survived being diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia—a very rare and aggressive form of cancer—with a survival rate of 30%. He was told that I had a matter of days to start chemotherapy or he would die.

In this interview, Hal shares:

  • The power of mind programming
  • Managing emotions and overcoming frustration
  • Building momentum and creating convictions

And much more.

Resources: 592: The Miracle Morning: The Secret Routine to Transform Your Life, Achieve Your Goals, and Supercharge Your Productivity with Hal Elrod


2. Try this supplement to lower blood pressure.

Blood pressure is one of the most important biomarkers to pay attention to—especially if heart disease or strokes run in your family.

Most people mistakenly think that 120/80 is ideal blood pressure. But it’s actually considered elevated. See the chart below from the American Heart Association:

While losing fat, regular exercise, quality sleep, and stress management are the foundation.

A 2023 systemic review and meta-analysis of human randomized controlled trials showed a small but significant reduction in blood pressure from vitamin C supplements. It was an even bigger effect for people with diagnosed hypertension or diabetes.

The average dose of Vitamin C was 757mg per day.

This is something worth experimenting with if you’re already doing many of the right things for your blood pressure.


3. The best exercise routine to bulletproof your knees.

Want an exercise that:

  • Uses minimal equipment
  • You can do it at any age
  • Strengthens your hips
  • Protects your knees

Then, give the Miniband Fire Hydrant a try.

This is better than just using your body weight because you can progressively use stronger bands to build strength and muscle.

  • Sets: 2-4
  • Reps: 10-20

Pro Tip: Hold for a 3-second pause at the top of each rep to maximize muscle activation.

In this post, I shared a 7-exercise workout routine to reduce knee pain in 30 days.

Legendary Life Coaching Client Highlight: David N.

Meet David, a 51-year-old executive from Canada who had a health scare and decided to take back control of his health.

He is like most of my clients; he is successful in his career but has struggled with his weight for almost two decades.

Despite facing a major work event and the heartache of losing a loved one to cancer, he chose to prioritize his health. “Life is happening now,” he said, and he joined my program. Proving that there’s never a perfect time to start—only the present.

In 5 months, David:

  • 20 lbs down with a flexible approach
  • Follows a custom travel fitness routine
  • Enjoys guilt-free vacations
  • Got his confidence back at work
  • Became a role model for his kids.

He needed a program that fit his age, work schedule, food preferences, and lifestyle, and not the other way around.

Now, he’s not just maintaining his results; he’s optimizing his health metrics and VO2 Max for lifelong vitality.

If you’re an entrepreneur, executive, or business owner who wants to get fit in your 40s & 50s, feel confident in your body, and increase energy in a way that fits your busy life, I’m here to help, click here for a strategy call.


Quote of the week:

“It’s never the right time, but right now is usually the best time.”
– James Clear

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Until next week,

Ted Ryce

Celebrity Trainer, Health & Wellness Coach & Longevity Expert


When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help:

1) Watch my Unstoppable After 40 Masterclass, where I teach you the simple 5-step process our successful clients are using to get fit in their 40s & 50s while growing their business & enjoying their lifestyle

>Click Here To Watch Now!

2) If you have questions about my coaching program, click on the button below to check my FAQ page.

> Coaching Program FAQ Page

3) Are you an entrepreneur who wants to get fit in your 40s & 50s without feeling achy or spending hours at the gym?

> Schedule Your Free Strategy Call Now! 



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Ted Ryce is a high-performance coach, celebrity trainer, and a longevity evangelist. A leading fitness professional for over 24 years in the Miami Beach area, who has worked with celebrities like Sir Richard Branson, Rick Martin, Robert Downey, Jr., and hundreads of CEOs of multimillion-dollar companies. In addition to his fitness career, Ryce is the host of the top-rated podcast called Legendary Life, which helps men and women reclaim their health, and create the body and life they deserve.

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