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Ted Talk 134: Help! I’m Doing Everything Right, But I’m Still Not Losing Weight
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Ted Talk 135: How I Recovered My Life, Business, And Happiness After Tragedy Hit My Life
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504: Been Waiting For The Right Moment To Tell You This…

by Ted Ryce

504: Been Waiting For The Right Moment To Tell You This…

by Ted Ryce         by Ted Ryce        
504: Been Waiting For The Right Moment To Tell You This…           504: Been Waiting For The Right Moment To Tell You This…          
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    The end of the first quarter of 2022 is in the books and I want to ask you…

    How are your results so far?

    How much weight have you lost since January?

    How much have your energy levels improved?

    How well are you fitting into your clothes?

    How good do you feel looking at yourself in the mirror in the morning?

    And perhaps most importantly of all…

    How much are you stepping up and taking care of yourself so that you can take care of the people who depend on you?


    If you’re not happy with your answers to any of those questions, there is STILL TIME!

    But you MUST be willing to change your approach.

    The thing is this: past behavior is the best indicator of future behavior. Another way to say this is that the results you’ve gotten in the past three months are the best predictor of what your results will be like in the next three months.

    That means if you didn’t make any progress, you won’t make any progress this month or the month after unless you CHANGE what you’re doing.

    In the Legendary Life Coaching Program, the strategy we use is dead-simple:

    We match a nutrition and exercise program with where people are at in their life.

    What does that look like?

    My 52-year-old client Barbara has lost 23 lbs. since joining my program in late December. And she’s achieved this while going through the busiest time of year (she’s in public accounting) and dealing with her daughter and husband being hospitalized. Despite those challenges, she’s still managed to an incredible change to her body and health. We only used walking, office workouts, and small teaks to her nutrition.

    She told me, “I would’ve never believed results like this were possible with so little disruption to my life.”

    My client Trevor dropped 22 lbs. and achieved 12% body fat—the leanest he’s ever been in his life—since joining my program in late January. Now, he’s in a different spot. He’s got a wife, three kids, and a successful career in real estate.

    He even went through a major change in his career while working with me. He told me, “I’m so glad I had you and this program to focus on during this stressful transition.”

    I have other clients who’re killing it too…

    • Lisa lost 15.6 lbs. since starting on Jan 30th.
    • Kyle has lost 19 lbs. since starting on Feb 25th.
    • Jesse has lost 14 lbs. since starting on Fe 11th.

    I know, I know I’m starting to sound like an infomercial. But it’s the truth. I’ve been a coach for 23 years.

    They all did with without giving up their favorite foods, weird diets, or killing themselves with workouts in the gym.

    Oh, I know.

    You think you need to do that stuff to get results like the ones I’ve shared.

    And that’s (partly) why you keep failing.

    Of course, you’ll have to work hard.

    But so many people are working hard right now and seeing ZERO results from their efforts.

    Why not get the RESULTS from all the hard work you’re currently doing?

    (And use strategies that have you working smarter rather than just harder.)

    How would you feel if that were your reality?

    Our clients lose 4-6lbs in the first week and a total of 15-30bs of fat in 3 months.

    Let me repeat that first part again…

    Our clients lose 4-6lbs IN THE FIRST WEEK!

    (I know many people don’t believe me when I say that which is why I’ve asked our success stories over and over again to tell you whether or not that’s the truth. You can watch our clients stories here if you’re still not a believer.)

    See, when I said you still have time, I wasn’t blowing smoke. You do…BUT…you must be willing to change your approach.

    A strategy like the one I just laid out for you doesn’t take long to get going. It’s not easy, but it’s probably 10x simpler than what you’re doing now.

    But does it work? YES.

    What I do works so well because I’ve been working with clients for over 23 years—most of them have been entrepreneurs with a busy schedule.

    In that time, I’ve figured out how to apply principles to anyone’s situation. Regardless of whether they have injuries, hormone issues, a slow metabolism, or lack of time.

    I’ve also helped clients from all over the world use it too…from engineers in England to business consultants in Singapore to executives in America. You name it.

    The bottom line: this is THE best body transformation system out there for entrepreneurs and other high-performers, and it’s not too late to put it to work for you.

    Book a call and let us help you. Here’s how that works…

    We’ll jump on the phone for about 15 minutes. You can tell me everything you’re trying to accomplish, and I’ll help you craft the perfect strategy to get there FAST.

    You don’t have to abandon the goals you set for yourself in 2022. If you’re willing to try a new approach, endless possibilities are open to you in the next 3 months. It can still happen!

    But if you’re not willing to make a change and get the help you need, I guarantee you’ll stay stuck.

    Book a call now and let me help.

    If you watch our success stories and look at the reviews people have written about me, I don’t just transform bodies: I change lives.

    Most of my successful body transformations came to me lost, confused, and hopelessly stuck.

    I introduced them to just how simple transforming their body can be…and they’ve never looked back.

    Isn’t it time to see if the Legendary Life Program can work for you?

    Book a call and let’s find out!


    Talk soon,

    Ted Ryce

    Founder, Legendary Life Program


    P.S. – Wouldn’t it be incredible to start Q2 implementing the solution proven by so many to finally transform your body, reach once unimaginable healthy lifestyle goals all while enjoying life…. without the loneliness and frustration of trying to figure it out all alone, yeah?

    P.P.S. – We always get a huge jump in calls near the end of a quarter, like right now, as people face the truth that they didn’t succeed with their new year’s resolution. So, for the best chance at getting a time that works for you, Schedule A Call With Me.


    Links Mentioned:  

    Schedule Your Breakthrough Session Now


    Related Episodes:

    RTF 134: Help! I’m Doing Everything Right, But I’m Still Not Losing Weight

    502: Why You Keep Gaining Back The Weight You Lost (And How To Stop) with Ted Ryce

    Unstoppable After 40 Blueprint

    Links Mentioned:  

    Join Our 7-Day Health & Fitness Summer Challenge! 


    Join Our 7-Day Health & Fitness Summer Challenge! 

    Summer is almost here and we’re doing our FREE 7-day health and fitness challenge again! STARTING ON JUNE 8TH.

    Our best clients enter this challenge and lose on average one pound a day in seven days. Plus, they experience rapid weight loss and accelerated energy.

    If you want to be considered go to:  and apply today!

    We have only 50 spots available and we are going to only let people who are serious about results.

    During the challenge, I´ll teach you how to build your plate for rapid fat loss, how to build a strong body with a simple 10-min workout, and how to recover so you can wake up energized and ready to dominate your day.

    Go to  and apply for a spot.


    Ted Ryce is a high-performance coach, celebrity trainer, and a longevity evangelist. A leading fitness professional for over 24 years in the Miami Beach area, who has worked with celebrities like Sir Richard Branson, Rick Martin, Robert Downey, Jr., and hundreads of CEOs of multimillion-dollar companies. In addition to his fitness career, Ryce is the host of the top-rated podcast called Legendary Life, which helps men and women reclaim their health, and create the body and life they deserve.

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