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Wake up, you. Check your phone. Go to your workplace. Sit down under neon lamps at the screen all day. Oh, go home. Watching TV, maybe. Or function a couple more. Oh, go to bed. One last time, check your cell. For your health, what do all Does this blue light screen time mean? Sleep specialist Dr. Kirk Parsley discusses in this episode how it impacts your sleep and your wellbeing and, most precisely, how you can remedy it. Now, listen!
Brief Bio:
Dr. Kirk Parsley, MD, served as the Naval Special Warfare’s expert on Sleep Medicine and is certified in hormonal modulation, lecturing extensively on sleep, wellness, and hormonal optimization. He is working on a book on sleep optimization, also gave a TEDxReno talk on the subject of sleep called America’s biggest problem.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- Sleep and hormones. What’s the connection?
- Do we need “evolutionary medicine”?
- Are sleeping pills really that bad for your health?
- Why people are resistant to the “sleep message.”
- Sleep deficit: The performance killer
- Why sleep isn’t a luxury
- How lack of sleep can cause you to gain weight
- Why you can’t “biohack” sleep loss
- The #1 key to getting a good night of sleep
- The best sleep app
- Using sleep tracker apps to help you sleep better
- Healthcare vs. disease-care
– Dr. Parsley’s Sleep Cocktail
– Doc Parsley’s Sleep Remedy (Use Code TED10 to save 10%off)
Connect with Dr. Parsley:
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