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The COVID-19 pandemic has brought up everyday life as we know it, most of us working in daily jobs are now sitting at home slouching in front of our computers while being forced to do household chores as well. That puts a lot of pressure on our sore, stiff back. So, what can you do? In this episode, Ted will explain how to deal with back pain while working from home plus spine stabilization exercises, and much more.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- Facts about back pain [02:35-03:02]
- My personal story about back pain [03:03-06:41]
- The Biopsychosocial Model: How social life affects the pain level [07:31-09:20]
- How to avoid back pain while working from home [09:37-16:09]
- Best apps to help you get reminded [16:15-17:16]
- Is stretching good to reduce back pain? [17:23-17:50]
- How to deal with back pain [17:51-18:07]
- The truth about stretching [18:07-22:51]
- Spine stabilization exercises [22:51-35:30]
- The connection between cardiovascular fitness and body pain [35:31-37:14]
- Cardiovascular fitness and sleep issues [37:15-40:09]
- Central Sensitization – what it is & how to manage it [38:40-40:09]
- Best ways to lower inflammation [40:10-47:06]
- And much more…
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Do you need help to create a leaner, stronger, and healthier body during this challenging time?
If you choose to prioritize wellness in the middle of this crisis, you’re in the right place.
My team and I have been working on this brand new FREE 7-Day Comeback Challenge created specifically to help you thrive during these unprecedented times… and starts on Sept 18th.
(No strings attached – this is simply the best way I know to help my Legendary Life family succeed right now.)
Attention: A week from now, you’ll know what to eat, how much to eat, and how to exercise to get the leaner, stronger & energetic body you’ve always wanted even after the pandemic. The choice is yours.
>Click Here To To Join The Coronavirus 7-Day Health & Fitness Comeback Challenge NOW!