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Unstoppable After 40: 4 health metrics you MUST track after 40, the #1 fruit juice to fight insulin resistance & my favorite travel chest & shoulder exercise

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Unstoppable After 40: 4 health metrics you MUST track after 40, the #1 fruit juice to fight insulin resistance & my favorite travel chest & shoulder exercise

Read time: 5 minutes

Welcome to Unstoppable After 40, my weekly newsletter where I reveal cutting-edge tips to get fit in your 40s & 50s while growing your business or career. 

What’s in store for today:

  • 4 health metrics you MUST track after 40
  • The #1 fruit juice to drink when you have insulin resistance
  • How to build a powerful chest & shoulders with minimal equipment 

Today’s issue is brought to you by Unstoppable After 40 Coaching Program. We help entrepreneurs, executives, and business owners to get fit in their 40s & 50s while growing their businesses and enjoying their lifestyles. (In less than 2 hours per week) .



You don’t need to wait for the “right time” or until you learn more to take care of your health.

You have to take charge and advocate for yourself.

Life will not slow down.

Even if you have periods of less work or family responsibilities, you’ll still need to maintain your healthy habits when your schedule inevitably gets busy again.

Procrastinating with your health is a learned behavior.

You’ll eventually have to break the pattern if you want to look and feel your best as you get over 40.

Break the pattern of putting work ahead of your health.

No one is going to give you permission.
No one is going to make the time for you.
No one is going to show up and motivate you.

You’ll have to do it for yourself by taking action.

Losing fat and improving your health doesn’t get easier as you get older.

It gets harder.

Inflammation levels rise even if you’re doing everything right.
Cardiovascular fitness declines even if you’re a top athlete.
Muscle gets harder to build and maintain.

So if you’re not even close to being in top shape, it’s no wonder you don’t feel as young as you used to.

You’ll have to do better.

If you want to live an extraordinary life when you’re 75, you can’t be an average 45-year-old.

It’s not easy.

But I promise you it’s worth it. 

So, start now! 

Here is your Unstoppable After 40 Friday Digest:

4 health metrics you MUST track after 40

Your health isn’t what you do.
It’s the result of what you do.
What do I mean? 

I’ve had many obese people tell me about how they had such a good diet.  

Then I stopped them and that what they were telling me didn’t matter. And that I could take one look and know they weren’t doing well health wise. 

Does that sound harsh? Maybe. But it’s the truth. I try to be as kind as I can. But I won’t enable someone false narrative.
If you say you eat healthy and exercise, but your belly is big, your blood work is a mess, and your VO2 max is low, then you’re not healthy.
Your health is determined by data. 

So, get the following tests done: 

  • DEXA scan 
  • VO2 max 
  • CAC score 
  • Full blood panel 

Then you can prove that you’re healthy.

Otherwise, it’s just talk! 

The #1 fruit juice to drink when you have insulin resistance

Giving fruit juice to diabetics seems like a bad idea, right? 

I would think so too. 

But that’s why we rely on research instead of our feelings. 

Because that’s exactly what researchers tested in a randomized controlled trial published in journal Nutrition Research. 

The diabetic patient significantly improved insulin-resistance and lowered their fasting glucose levels 3 hours after drinking fresh pomegranate juice. However, the effect was less powerful in elderly and those who had more severe diabetes. 

While you may not be a diabetic (I hope), I believe that pomegranate juice is still worth adding into your daily routine to help keep your metabolic health ideal.  

How much? The study used the dose of 1.5 mL/kg body weight. 

How to build a powerful chest & shoulders with minimal equipment 

Do you want to build a powerful chest and shoulders with minimal equipment? 

Then start doing ring push-ups. 

I traveled with rings for the past several years. And I was still able to bench 200 lbs despite not having done a bench press in a few years just from using ring push-ups and band-resisted push ups.  

The rings are also great because you can do ring dips as well as ring rows or pull-ups for your back.

How many sets? 2-4 

How many reps? 5-20 

Watch the full video on  Twitter 

Client Highlight: Trevor K.

Meet Trevor, a 47-year-old real estate broker from Portland who desperately needed to stop feeling overwhelmed and stressed at the end of the day.  

Plus, he spent hours of his precious time lifting weights three times per week, doing high-intensity training, and riding his Peloton bike with little to no results. 

In 6 months, Trevor:  

  • Lost 25lbs waving goodbye to that stubborn gut 
  • Created and maintained a leaner, stronger, and more energetic body in less than 2 hours per week 
  • Boosted his testosterone naturally and feels more confident 
  • Still enjoy fine dining and have an active social life 
  • Since he lowered his stress levels, he feels more present with his family and his wife 

Trevor is more than just ‘fit’; he’s living his best life and creating a legacy that he is proud of. 

Are you an entrepreneur who wants to lose fat, boost your energy and focus while getting the best shape of your life? Click here & let’s chat! 


Quote of the Week:

We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.” 

–Albert Einstein 


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Until next week,

Ted Ryce

Celebrity Trainer, Health & Wellness Coach & Longevity Expert


When you’re ready, here are 3 ways I can help:

1) Watch my Unstoppable After 40 Masterclass, where I teach you the simple 5-step process our successful clients are using to get fit in their 40s & 50s while growing their business & enjoying their lifestyle

>Click Here To Watch Now!

2) If you have questions about my coaching program, click on the button below to check my FAQ page.

> Coaching Program FAQ Page

3) Are you an entrepreneur who wants to get fit in your 40s & 50s without feeling achy or spending hours at the gym?

> Schedule Your Free Strategy Call Now! 



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Ted Ryce is a high-performance coach, celebrity trainer, and a longevity evangelist. A leading fitness professional for over 24 years in the Miami Beach area, who has worked with celebrities like Sir Richard Branson, Rick Martin, Robert Downey, Jr., and hundreads of CEOs of multimillion-dollar companies. In addition to his fitness career, Ryce is the host of the top-rated podcast called Legendary Life, which helps men and women reclaim their health, and create the body and life they deserve.

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