by Ted Ryce
214: Coach Burt: 5 Things You Need To Know To Be Successful
Brief Bio:
The Super Coach is unique blend of a former championship coach who has an entrepreneurial mindset. Coach Burt has quickly become the go-to business coach for aggressive minded companies in competitive and saturated markets who want to look different, run faster, and be agile. Coach is the author of ten books, including the best-seller called “Person of Interest- How to become the person other people want a piece of and can’t live without” and the Wiley published “Zebras and Cheetahs- Look Different, Run Faster, Be Agile.” His online TV show, “The Super Coach,” can be watched live globally each week on Tuesday on The Whatever it Takes Network and heard through podcast on iTunes, Android, and Stitcher Radio. His reality style TV show Zebras and Cheetahs, is a cross between Shark Tank, Amazing Race, and The Apprentice and can be seen on the Channel 5 Network and on
In this episode, you will learn:
- How to stand out from the crowd
- 5 Actions you need to take to get where you need to be
- Positive affirmations to attract success into your life
- 3 Strategies to develop self-confidence
- 5 Reasons why you need a coach
- How to create a balanced life to achieve success
- 6 Ways to develop the self-discipline necessary to reach your goals
- How your health impacts your success
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