by Ted Ryce
182: Ted Ryce: How To Take Control Of Your Body And Your Life Forever
“I need to start taking better care of myself.”
“I feel like I’m stuck in rut.”
“It’s time to make my health more of a priority.”
Any of those sound familiar?
If so, you’re not alone.
Over the past 17 years, I have helped hundreds of CEO’s, celebrities and real people like you to get control of their health and fitness and build a body that will stay strong and look good for the rest of their lives.
Even if your life is busier than ever…
Even if you’ve “fallen off the wagon” with fitness before…
Even if you’ve had to deal with a previous injury or illness…
I can help you turn things around for good.
CEO Strength has become the go-to program for busy professionals.
Here’s something I never expected to happen when he started: I developed a reputation around CEOs and Executives as the “go-to coach” in Miami Beach.
In other words, when those executives try and fail to get in shape and boost their health and productivity, the lucky ones eventually find their way to me. And that’s when everything changes for them.
When guys choose CEO Strength…
Instead of falling off the wagon like every time before … they’re able to stay consistent with their healthy nutrition habits.
Instead of following workout programs that aggravate their minor injuries and pains … they’re able to exercise in a way that’s effective and sustainable.
Instead of searching for the Next Big Thing or “the perfect diet or workout program”… they stop agonizing over every detail and trust us to help them make the best nutrition and exercise decisions for them.
What most guys try before getting results with CEO Strength.
According to experience with current and former clients, here’s what most guys have tried before getting results with us:
- P90X, Insanity, and other workout DVDs
- Crossfit and other group workouts
- Fitbit, Jawbone, FuelBand, and other wearable fitness technology
- Popular diets like intermittent fasting, paleo, and low-carb
- Workout books and magazine articles.
Of course, these aren’t necessarily bad options. They end up working for some people. Some better than others.
But eventually, most of these methods and tools begin to break down and fail over time. Personally, I’ve seen it hundreds of times.
The question is: why do they fail?
The problem: too many “surface solutions”; not enough strategy.
Here’s the thing most guys don’t understand: All the methods and tools listed above—from the DVDs and books to Crossfit workouts—are surface solutions.
They help “solve” a surface-level problem.
- Don’t have a workout program or a gym to train at? Now you do.
- Want to track how many calories you eat? Here’s an app to download.
- Want to know how many steps you’re taking? Wear this bracelet thing.
The only problem with surface-level solutions?
They only work for a little while.
They don’t account for the ups and downs of everyday life.
They don’t help you develop life-long habits.
And they don’t adapt to your life.
Sure, these surface-solutions are fine when everything is perfect … when things at work are going smoothly, when you’re 100% motivated to exercise, when you’re consistently getting 8 hours of sleep, when you’re not tempted to eat anything “bad” for you.
But what about when life gets in the way?
What happens to our workout routines and healthy eating habits when things get busy?
What happens when:
- You’re stressed at work?
- There’s nothing in the fridge?
- You sleep in? You miss a workout?
- You get a minor injury?
- You have an argument with a loved one?
- You just don’t feel motivated to do anything?
That’s when we fall off the wagon and all the hard work we’ve put in evaporates.
That’s when surface-solutions fail, and we’re back to where we started.
That’s also when I step in.
We’ve seen surface-solutions come and go.
The best-selling diet books that were supposed to “revolutionize” everything? They’re in the bargain bin.
The workout DVD’s? They’re collecting dust on the shelf.
The new wearable fitness technology and apps? The jury’s still out, but according to some recent research I’ve seen, I’m not feeling too optimistic.
But here at Legendary Life Fitness, we’ve been helping people eat, move, and live better for over 17 years—and we plan on doing it for another 40.
The reason for our longevity is the same reason we’re able to consistently get great results with our clients.
How we help you: research, personal coaching, solving deep problems, and changing your lifestyle.
I’ve been researching the best strategies for health & fitness for over 17 years, and this research combined with his experience makes him one of the best-trained specialists in the entire health and fitness industry. That’s no joke.
Become a client with CEO Strength and you automatically have me as your coach who takes an active interest in your life and cares about your success.
Instead of giving you a diet book, you will receive meal plan suggestions and I’ll be there to help guide you and keep you accountable, no matter what happens in your life.
Solving deep problems
Instead of providing “surface solutions”, we help you navigate the stuff that inevitably comes up when you’re a busy guy, raising a family, and juggling a career.
We don’t give you surface solutions. Instead, we help you develop lifelong habits.
With CEO Strength, you’ll get me as your coach and I’ll:
- Listen to your needs and what you want to accomplish
- Discover what’s important to you
- Work together with you to create the right nutrition and exercise approach, based on your goals and lifestyle
- Coach you through the process, helping with the inevitable roadblocks along the way
Now’s the time. Take control of your body and life with CEO Strength.
If you’re ready to make a change that will last the rest of your life.I want to introduce to you to the CEO Strength Online Coaching Program, which it’s the only habit-based exercise, nutrition and lifestyle program that you’ll need to take control of your health and change your body and life.
With CEO Strength, you will:
- Learn how to take control of your own health and fitness, even if you’ve tried and failed before.
- Work directly with Ted Ryce who’s there to help you stay consistent and focus on what matters.
- Discover the best exercise and nutrition strategies that work with your busy life instead of against it.
- Forget about trying to be perfect and instead practice only the healthy habits that will make the biggest difference for you.
- Bulletproof your body against potential health problems, injury, and unexpected events.
[Important] We have just 5 spots available for the Early Bird Price.
Since we only take a limited number of clients this round, we expect spots in this program to sell out even faster.
So if you’re interested in working with us, I highly recommend you get on our special early bird price group below.
If you’re ready to take control of your own health and fitness…
If you’re ready to finally build a body you can be proud of…
…then my team and I can’t wait to work with you.
Sign up to the program below, and I’ll talk with you soon.
Take the first step and register today. Then we’ll help you look, feel, and perform better than you thought possible.
How much will it cost?
The general public price of the coaching program is $197 USD per month (for a minimum of 3 months).
But if you join the early bird price today, you’ll have the opportunity to get it for only $97 USD per month — a 50% savings.
You’ll get the best personal exercise coaching — along with daily practices, online trainings, meal plans and workouts — for less than the cost of one session per month with a personal trainer. And you’ll get results that will last a lifetime.
Like this show? Please leave us a review here — even one sentence helps! Consider including your Instagram handle so we can thank you personally.
Sign up now to save 50%, avoid missing out, and get the best possible results. So if you’re ready to get in the best shape of your life, now is the time to get started.