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156 Dr. Tara Swart: Rewiring Your Brain To Become A Better Leader
April 4, 2016
158: Steve Kamb: Level Up Your Life – How To Unlock Adventure, Enjoy more happiness and become the hero of your own story
April 11, 2016
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157: Ted Ryce: 13 Productivity Hacks To Crush Every Day


My first Keynote speech is next Wednesday

I’ll be speaking at another event in August: Elite Man Conference


Review of the week:



Set Yourself up for Success every day

Tell me you’ve had this experience: You start out with the best of intentions. Today is the day you’re going to start with your to-do list, exercise, eat healthy, meditate and bring home a major win.

Life happens and you get behind your schedule and it feels there’s no way to catch up with your goals.

What if you could get back on track? I want to share thirteen productivity hacks that will start your day off right and maximize your time. 

These hacks have helped me get the most out of my day and perform at my best no matter what.


  1. Start the Night Before

  • Dim Your Lights and Cool your room
  • Do a Brain Dump (Write down 6 things you need to do the next day)
  • Relax Your Mind

Related: Get my FREE Better Sleep guide to learn how to boost your productivity, energy levels, and creativity today. Click here.

  1. Maximize Your Morning

  • Hydrate Your Body
  • Move Your Body
  • Feed Your Mind
  • Fuel Your Body

Related: Productivity Hacks To Dominate Your Day Before Breakfast

  1. Keep Your Focus

  • Learn to say “No”
  • Don’t answer your phone
  • Turn off your notifications (consider blocking the internet)

     4.  During The Day

  • Listen to a podcast during your lunch break
  • Use Yerba Mate, Green Tea or Nootropics to cut back on coffee and energy drinks
  • Get up and do some exercise every 1-2 hours


Are these tips foolproof? No.

But when we’re committed to performing better in life, these hacks will help you start the night before, maximize your morning hours, and stay focus throughout the day.


Question: What could you accomplish if you were performing at your best? You can leave a comment below.


Thanks for Listening!

Thanks so much for joining us again this week. Have some feedback you’d like to share? Leave a note in the comment section below!
If you enjoyed this episode, please share it using the social media buttons you see at the top of the post.

If you have any questions (or would like answers to hear previously submitted voicemail questions!), head on over to the ASK TED section.

Don’t forget to visit our FREE 30-DAY CHALLENGE  and join us to change your health, body, and live a Legendary Life. 

Until next time!


Ted Ryce is a high-performance coach, celebrity trainer, and a longevity evangelist. A leading fitness professional for over 24 years in the Miami Beach area, who has worked with celebrities like Sir Richard Branson, Rick Martin, Robert Downey, Jr., and hundreads of CEOs of multimillion-dollar companies. In addition to his fitness career, Ryce is the host of the top-rated podcast called Legendary Life, which helps men and women reclaim their health, and create the body and life they deserve.

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