In this episode of Legendary Life, I dive into research on a HIIT workout that helped 23 previously untrained women (i.e. not athletes or regular exercisers) lose 12 pounds of fat in 6 weeks.
I also cover a recent article that I received in LinkedIn that was warning to stop foam rolling your ilio-tibial band. I explain what foam rolling is for those of you who don’t know and explain my perspective on the effectiveness of foam rolling as well as diving into what the research paper said about why we should be very careful foam rolling our IT-band.
In this episode, you’ll learn:
- How to start a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) program
- Why you should build your aerobic base before trying HIIT
- Why mobility is important to avoiding injuries during HIIT workouts
- What foam rolling is
- Why you should be careful foam rolling your ilio-tibial band (IT-band)
- My perspective on foam rolling
- What to do if you suffer from chronically tight muscles
Ilio-tibial Band: Please do not use a foam roller!
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Until next time!