by Ted Ryce
Getting file data..
by Ted Ryce
by Ted Ryce
Getting file data..
Getting file data..
Brief Bio:
Srinivas Rao is the host and founder of The Unmistakable Creative Podcast where he’s interviewed over 500 Insanely Interesting. He’s also the author of multiple self published books.
In this episode, you will learn:
- How to make money doing what you love
- Why getting more degrees may not be the answer to success
- What you should know before you start a podcast, blog or online business
- What “giving value” really means and how to do it right
- How to be persistent when the outcome of your actions is unpredictable
- Why we should take risk, even when we’re unsure what will happen
- How to strike balance between your passion and making it a financial success
- Being an “artist” vs being a marketer
- How to stay passionate and curious with business
- The biggest lessons Srini has learned in the past year as an entrepreneur
- The role fitness plays in entrepreneurship
- Srini’s top tip for taking more action in life
Connect with Sri:
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Until next time!